Date/time: February 22, 2021, 6:00-7:30 pm

Location: Online Video Conference

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Meeting ID: 859 6142 8350
Passcode: 612523
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  • Review of presentation by design team for proposed development at 23rd and E. Cherry (NW corner of 23rd and Cherry)Description of project from SDCI documents: “…construct one building on a development lot established through the lot merger of seven separate existing parcels. Proposed building will include a four story mixed use structure with 1 below grade level. Proposed development includes a mix of 110 residential units, a childcare facility and retail spaces. Residential units will be primarily 1-bedrooms. No parking is proposed.Original Address 1701 23RD AVE”


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+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 859 6142 8350
Passcode: 612523
