The November 15, 2021 LURC meeting will consider a presentation from the developer and architects for a project proposed for E. Cherry and 23rd Avenue (701 23rd Avenue — the current site of Flowers Just 4 U). To carry out the project a rezone of the site is being sought to increase the development capacity — from the current NC1 zone with a 40 foot height limit. The rezone, if granted, would result in a NC1 zone with a 55 foot height limit. The project, known as Acer House, proposes a 5-story mixed use building with 120 apartments, including affordable housing, and up to 8 retail spaces on the ground floor. The developer describes the project as a “truly anti-racist private sector development.” The aesthetic of the proposed design is described as “Afro-futurism” For the City of Seattle Department of Construction and Inspection file documents, at the DCI Web page enter project 3037717

Date/time: November 15, 2021, 5:30-7:00 pm

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